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16 November 2022 / International Shoe Fest Ramp @ Vaultx Great day! Great collaborations worldwide! Such a beautiful memory.

#shoeinspo #collabsummits #RampGrand

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12 November 2022 /City Sneaker Show @ Vaultx Pop c60, Ultra-air Flex, & Dragon Fire! Sneakers, Sneakers everywhere!

#Praisethesneakervault #sneakieshowsk22

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7 October 2022 / Fashion Foot Streak Summit @ Vaultx Conversations with the Best Fashion Footwear Brands. Hail the Shoe revolution!

#streaksummit #fashioninsights

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14 September 2022 / SummerLab Inspo ShoeFit-Gallery @Vaultx Open to all the Shoe Lovers to gather, and explore our trendy latest collections!

#summerLab #shoegallery

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8 August 2022 / Artessa Gallore Style-it Inspo @ Vaultx The Top Picks of the year celebrated with all the Glory! Win-win for the Heel Vault!

#artessagallore #hailheels #velvetbrunch

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2 June 2022 / Mid-Year Magazine Shoot @ Vaultx Time to Shoot some awesome pics to adorn the memory vault!

#midyearshoot #@vaultxmagazine

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26 May 2022 / Golden Blitz Charity Run 2k22 @ Vaultx Let's Run for spreading love and joy and also win the GoldBlitz on the go!

#goldblitz #runforacause

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4 March 2022 / Feature Film Gig Launch @ Vaultx Let's celebrate this year's first feature film gig! 3 cheers to Team VaultX!

#vaultxgig #featurefilmlaunch

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